The hard drive finally gave up.
I've had problems with my Western Digital WD10TPVT ever since I installed Lion on my Macbook Pro. I've had to restore it three times and yesterday's kernel-panic sent me over the edge. I went out to get a replacement 1 TB drive and the only "local" company who had one in stock was Instead of paying a huge price for next day delivery I went to "best buy" and they had nothing in a retail package larger than 500 GB. Instead, I purchased a Toshiba Canvio for $75 total and hacked it open with a Dremel tool. It was the hard drive equalivalent of a grab bag. I drew well and got a Toshiba MK7559GSXP inside. I was amazed at how many helpful sales people have no idea what is inside the little plastic boxes they sell. It's not the fastest drive, but was way cheaper than any other option and it was available. I needed to get back up and running as soon as possible, and I am. I was able to retrieve my Scrivener project file from yesterday, ...