The writer/publisher/promoters dilemma

I've got a lot of irons in the fire. As of today I have "release candidate" versions of the ebooks ready and two copies out to "Beta" readers. There's more desktop publishing work to do to create print-ready PDF versions for CreateSpace though. There's a whole series of events that have to happen to lead up to a book launch, and I've never done any of them. That's a lot of learning on the fly, shooting in the dark, and throwing on the wall - but I'm going to stick to it. ;)

The short list of "known knowns" looks something like this.

  • Final Version of both epub and mobi files.
  • Upload to vendor (Amazon and B&N at least.)
  • Print-ready PDF generation
  • CreateSpace project completion (There's a lot that goes into this. ISBN's, pricing decisions, etc.)
  • Book marketing website
  • Author Website
  • Press Releases
  • GoodReads announcement & samples

Oh yeah - and finish the sequel. No problem.  At least I have the blog covered...


  1. Good luck with all of this. It does get overwhelming. I decided that any mistakes I make in these first few books will simply be learning opportunities for the next.

    As for author site & book site... have you considered Wix? It's a free site design service. I'm considering doing my own soon. Up to now, I've only used my blog as a hub for everything.

    Good luck with it all, though. Indies unite!


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