I had hoped to bang out pages on both the flight down and the flight back, but we had a plane change in Portland that really jammed my flow. The flight back was non-stop and I'm +600 words or so. I'd like to get back to it in a bit, but I'm going to have to sync the draft over from the iPad and I'm going to hope that I don't have any issues... In other news, I had some great conversations with my friends who run a web publicity company and it make me re-think how much effort I'm going to have to put into marketing the books when they are ready. There's no doubt that it's going to be a big job. I'm glad I'm starting early, as I'm going to need a media list to start pestering both pre and post launch. Possible marketing strategies include: Excerpts Art previews Book "trailer" Interviews ??? I've all ready been following like madman on Twitter and have cleaned up my online presence there. I have to remember to twee...
I'm staring at the Space Needle wondering how John Grisham did it. I'm told he wrote his first novel while working full-time in a law firm. His bio on his website confirms this information. I don't like 5 AM. I like this hour. Between 3:30 and 4:30 AM nearly the entire world is quiet. If anything breathes, or snores as the case may be, you hear it. The house pops and re-adjusts as it loses heat and your thoughts echo like tympani drums with each satin stroke of a key. That said, this hour is unreasonable by any sane intellectual measure. No civilized thought resides here in the dark, only the wild abandon of far more rational people than I dreaming away their day's problems. No, this is the hour of mad men heated beyond the polite conventions of society, wrestling dreams only slightly more tangible into being. This unsustainable, delicious hour has to be enjoyed as the rare treat that it is - with only th...
No one likes a know-it-all. I know, because I’ve been one all my life. I’ve been ostracized, bullied, harassed, taunted, excluded and even beaten up by people in the course my life. I learned early on to hide myself because even average people will seek to destroy things they can’t understand. Lack of understanding leading to fear. Correctly predicting the future scares people. When Michael Moore predicted a loss for Hillary Clinton in this year’s election - many vilified him. I agreed with him and said little. He’s written and spoken about his observations at length, but the nutshell version is that the people in rural America are stuck. There are diminishing economic opportunities in those regions, and they have no idea why. My experience is that they will accept any explanation that doesn’t involve their own culpability. My insulated liberal friends did not want to hear what I was saying. I crave social acc...
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